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TREAT: Pumpkin Spice Cottage Cheese

TREAT: Pumpkin Spice Cottage Cheese

A longtime favorite, this healthy breakfast is calling your name... isn't it time you answered?

½ cup plain Greek yogurt
½ cup cottage cheese
1 TBSP sliced almonds
1 TBSP fresh pomegranate seeds
1 TBSP sunflower seeds
1 TBSP dried cranberries.
¼ tsp pumpkin pie spice blend or Mexican Chocolate Sugar

Mix the yogurt and cottage cheese together in small bowl.

Add the nuts, berries, and seeds and finish with our handcrafted Pumpkin Pie Spice Blend (when in season). Otherwise, Mexican Chocolate Sugar works well too!

The flavorful combination of sweet, tart & spicy will keep you satisfied all day long. 

Pinky swear.